Where does a sudden food intolerance come from?

In recent years, awareness of food intolerances and knowledge about them have continued to increase. The reason for this is that more and more people are finding out that they suffer from food intolerance and need to change their diet.

Fortunately, those affected can often find a wide selection of substitute products in the supermarket, which is constantly increasing.

Nevertheless, food intolerance influences everyday life and can become a challenge when it comes to planning your diet . This is especially true if you are invited to a meal.

In this case, you need to check whether the food is suitable for you. For example, ask the employees of a restaurant or ask to see a list of additives.

If your friends are having a party, you should inform them beforehand about the specifics of your intolerance to be on the safe side.

If you are not sure whether you suffer from a food intolerance, a visit to the doctor can help you find out. Also note that a food intolerance is different from an allergy .

While an allergy involves the immune system, intolerance results from a lack of certain enzymes or a metabolic disorder .

As diverse as the list of possible allergens is, the possible complaints are just as varied. Common symptoms include abdominal cramps, rash or headaches and fatigue.

If you would like to learn more about how food intolerance occurs, you should continue reading this article. We will inform you about the origins, symptoms and types of food intolerances. After we have looked at these in more detail, we will give you tips for changing your diet in the last section.

This process is difficult for many of those affected. However, with appropriate help, you will quickly learn to accept your food intolerance and cope with it in everyday life.

It is essential that, despite avoiding certain foods, you maintain a balanced diet and, if necessary, seek external help such as a doctor or nutritionist.

How does food intolerance occur?

The cause of a food intolerance cannot always be clearly clarified. Genetic predisposition often plays a role. There are also three mechanisms that are responsible for food intolerance causing symptoms that negatively affect your well-being :

  • Enzyme deficiency : Sometimes the body lacks a specific enzyme needed to break down certain food components. A well-known example is lactose intolerance.
  • Metabolic disorders : Disturbances in the metabolic process can also occur, which means that food content cannot be processed properly. This includes fructose intolerance.
  • Immune reactions : Food allergies are reactions in which the immune system sees certain proteins in food as harmful and triggers a defensive reaction in the form of an allergic reaction. In the worst case, this can lead to life-threatening reactions.

In addition, some symptoms are sensitive to certain foods. Symptoms of an intolerance to chocolate include diarrhea or stomach pain.

The severity and severity of the symptoms of food intolerance or allergies differ from person to person.

The following complaints often occur

  • Digestive problems : These include, for example, abdominal pain or cramps, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea can also occur after eating the problematic food.
  • Skin reactions : Affected people may also experience skin rashes with itching, redness or swelling of the skin.
  • Headaches : Headaches and migraines are also typical symptoms of food intolerance. This is sometimes accompanied by fatigue and lack of energy or problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Respiratory problems : Severe intolerances can cause breathing problems, such as a stuffy nose or frequent coughing.

Since these symptoms also occur with other illnesses, you should always consult a doctor. This will help you find out whether the symptoms are really due to a food intolerance .

Since symptoms in some cases appear hours or days after consumption, self-diagnosis is usually difficult and expert knowledge is helpful. The correct diagnosis will then help you to change your diet accordingly .

What food intolerances are there?

From digestive problems with soy to an allergy to preservatives to a cow's milk allergy in a baby, many food intolerances are known.

The most common intolerances include the following

  • Nut allergy : Nuts of any type can cause allergic reactions in some people, ranging from mild skin rashes to severe life-threatening reactions such as anaphylactic shock . For this reason, every product must be labeled if it contains nuts or traces thereof.

  • Gluten intolerance : With celiac disease, the body is sensitive to gluten. This is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and some other grains. Consuming gluten then leads to an inflammatory reaction in the small intestine. This can lead to digestive problems, for example. It is therefore important to pay attention to your diet if you have celiac disease. If you have symptoms of a wheat allergy , you may also have gluten intolerance.

  • Lactose intolerance : People with lactose intolerance cannot break down milk sugar (lactose) properly because they lack the enzyme lactase. This leads to symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea after consuming dairy products. Those affected often live vegan lives and have to find an alternative to cream cheese, for example.
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  • Fructose intolerance: Another food intolerance is fructose intolerance. In this case, the body cannot absorb and digest fructose properly. In this case, foods containing fructose such as fruit and fruit juice must be avoided.

  • Soy intolerance : In addition, there are people who are sensitive to soy products. Since many vegan substitute products are made from soy, you have to pay particular attention to the ingredients in this case. Products made from pea protein, for example, are alternatives.

  • Histamine intolerance : Histamines can be produced during the ripening or fermentation of foods. If you suffer from histamine intolerance, you should not eat histamine-rich foods such as wine. Otherwise, food intolerance causes symptoms such as stomach problems or skin rash.

What can I do about food intolerance? 3 tips

Since food intolerance cannot be cured, you have to learn to live with it. First and foremost, this means : avoid foods that you cannot tolerate. If you completely eliminate this from your diet, symptoms of intolerance will subside and your personal well-being will improve again.

Even if this path is not easy, it is the only way to permanently relieve yourself of your symptoms .

This is linked to a change in diet . You should consult a doctor or nutritionist to make sure you are meeting your nutritional needs. Otherwise, deficiency symptoms may occur.

In addition, these tips can help you :

  • Try new products : There are replacement products on the market for some intolerances such as gluten or lactose intolerance. These are specially marked. If you want to live a vegan life, you can find delicious vegan alternatives at Greenforce that you can use to replace meat . By doing this you are doing something good for yourself and the environment.

  • Preparing your own food : Preparing your own food can give you peace of mind. This is how you know what substances are contained in your food. However, if you go out to eat, you should inform the staff about your intolerance and ask about the ingredients and how the dishes are prepared. Also be aware of possible cross-contamination. These can be avoided by using separate cooking utensils.

  • Symptom relief: In order to become symptom-free more quickly after the outbreak, probiotic supplements or creams, for example, can help provide relief, depending on the symptoms. However, you should discuss these options with a doctor.

If you suffer from a food intolerance , you should take the time to deal with it intensively. The better you understand what is happening in your body, the better you will deal with it.

Accept that changing your eating habits will take time. With patience and openness to new products, you will be able to avoid the products that are not compatible with you .