How does histamine intolerance affect the skin?

The relationship between diet and skin health is an often underestimated phenomenon. Although the skin has long been considered a “mirror of the soul”, it can also reveal physical problems. Histamine intolerance can also have a negative effect on the skin.

Histamine is a messenger substance that occurs naturally in the human body. However, sometimes the organism has difficulty breaking down this substance.

The effects are not only evident in the gastrointestinal tract, but can also be reflected in the appearance of the affected person's skin. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the connection between histamine intolerance and skin problems .

To do this, we will first explain what histamine actually is and what happens in your body if you have an intolerance. We then look at the possible skin problems that can arise from this.

It should not be neglected that histamine intolerance can cause a number of other problems . The symptoms are very diverse and not always directly assignable.

But we want to encourage those affected. After a reliable diagnosis from the doctor, you can make targeted changes to your diet and thus alleviate the symptoms that have occurred. That's why we show which foods are low in histamine .

In the last section we give you valuable tips on how to care for your skin. These are not only important if you have food intolerance , but are also useful if you generally suffer from skin problems.

Histamine – what is it?

When diagnosed with histamine causing a rash , some sufferers hear the term for the first time. Most people are familiar with lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance and other food allergies.

But histamine intolerance is not so often the focus. That's why we want to first explain what this is all about.

Histamine already occurs naturally in your body. For example, it plays a crucial role in the production of stomach acid and the regulation of various physiological processes.

To do this, it is produced and released by special cells in the body. It is an important substance for your digestion and your immune system.

Excess histamine is normally broken down by the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) . DAO is primarily active in the intestines. However, in people with histamine intolerance, this breakdown process can be disrupted.

This leads to an increase in histamine levels in the blood. If this occurs and your body cannot break down the substance inefficiently, we speak of histamine intolerance .

The intolerance is usually due to a deficiency of the enzyme DAO. But causes of histamine intolerance can also arise from other sources. In addition to the enzyme DAO, there is also the enzyme histamine N-methyltransferase .

This is referred to as HNMT for short and is also involved in the degradation. However, in contrast to DAO, this enzyme is responsible for the intracellular histamine, which occurs in the liver, bronchial mucosa or kidneys.

This can also lead to intolerance. The balance between the production and breakdown of histamine then no longer regulates histamine levels.

This sets a chain in motion because the disturbed balance can cause various symptoms to occur. This can even lead to the symptoms of histamine intolerance affecting the psyche .

In the next section we will explain which complaints are still possible and to what extent your skin can be affected.

Juckreiz bei Histaminintoleranz

Histamine intolerance on the skin - effects

Histamine intolerance can have negative effects on skin health. This can cause great suffering for those affected. Skin problems that may be related to histamine intolerance include :

  • Redness: Histamine can cause blood vessels to dilate, which in turn can cause skin redness. These rednesses are then visible due to inflammatory processes in the skin. Redness is not always the only symptom, but there is also a burning or itching sensation.

  • Itching: If you have an intolerance, histamine is a trigger for itching. This can also last longer and be very intense, so that those affected feel the need to scratch themselves. However, you should resist this urge as it can make the skin problems worse. It's best to ask a doctor or pharmacy for a cream that relieves the itching.
  • Swelling: Swelling in the face or other parts of the body can occur because histamine can increase the permeability of blood vessels. If you notice difficulty breathing in connection with swelling, it is best to call an emergency doctor immediately and have yourself examined.

  • Rash: Urticaria, also known as hives, can also be triggered by eating foods containing histamine. The rash appears as raised, reddened wheals. These are rarely distributed individually on the body, but rather in groups. They can vary in size and appear after a short period of time, but may also appear as a chronic symptom of histamine intolerance in conjunction with other health problems. However, hives can be treated.

The severity of the symptoms varies greatly. With a bit of luck, you'll only feel a slight skin change like a little itching . However, it can also happen that your skin changes significantly.

In addition, histamine intolerance usually causes other symptoms, such as consuming histamine leading to headaches or problems in the gastrointestinal area.

Other signs of histamine intolerance

For the most part, histamine intolerance does not only affect the skin, but those affected suffer from other problems. People with histamine intolerance often report digestive problems.

If you, as a woman, have constant flatulence, it could be due to this or another food intolerance. In addition to flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation occur. The symptoms often have a negative impact on overall well-being.

In addition, histamine can trigger migraines . The reason for this is that it can influence the release of neurotransmitters in addition to the blood vessels. However, migraines do not have to occur; mild headaches are also possible.

In addition, your central nervous system can be affected, resulting in fatigue or dizziness. Concentration problems are also possible.

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But that was not all. The influence on blood pressure can cause cardiovascular symptoms such as rapid heartbeat or changes in blood pressure. Allergy-like respiratory problems are also possible.

These include, for example, frequent sneezing and a runny or stuffy nose. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the intolerance is confused with a mild cold or an allergy to fragrances.

As you can see, there are many symptoms that can be traced back to histamine intolerance - but can also be related to another disease.

For this reason, it is essential that you make sure where your symptoms are coming from. In most cases this is not possible on your own. It is therefore best to see a doctor.

To prepare, you can keep a so-called food diary . In it you write down what you ate, when and when which symptoms occurred. The symptoms sometimes only appear hours after eating foods containing histamine.

This makes it so difficult to find out the real reasons for physical reactions . However, the more accurate your records are, the greater the likelihood that a medical professional will clarify the matter.

Treatment of histamine intolerance

Nobody wants or should live with the symptoms of intolerance. It wouldn't be good for your body if you don't give importance to the symptoms. After all, it puts a strain on you every time you don't feel well.

So don't be afraid to go to the doctor. As soon as it is certain that you are suffering from histamine intolerance , appropriate treatment can begin.

Histamine intolerance cannot be cured , but there are ways to deal with it well. One of the basic strategies is to avoid foods rich in histamine . Depending on how quickly your body is stressed, they don't have to be completely eliminated from your diet.

Many doctors advise you to completely avoid histamine intake until your body has recovered. Around two weeks are planned for this.

The suspected foods can then be eaten again in small quantities. This involves observing how you react to the food and how much histamine your body can tolerate without you noticing any symptoms.

This phase lasts several weeks. Since other factors such as stress or the use of medication can influence how the intolerance manifests itself, other factors must be taken into account in addition to the amount of histamine.

It is therefore essential that you have enough patience to check your individual tolerance. During this time, you will consult your doctor regularly. As soon as it is clear which or how many foods containing histamine you can tolerate , you have to adapt your eating habits accordingly.

For this it is advisable to consult a nutritionist. This will work with you to ensure that you are not lacking any nutrients.

Some people find it difficult to adhere to the new guidelines. Over time, however, you get used to it because you know how to deal with histamine intolerance well.

Histamine intolerance skin: What else can I eat?

You probably have to get used to a low-histamine diet at first. This is a completely normal process. Every person who receives a diagnosis of food intolerance feels the same way. So give yourself time to get used to your new eating plan.

Distinguishing between low and high histamine foods is sometimes not that easy. When it comes to fruit, for example, it depends on the type. If you don't suffer from a fruit allergy, most varieties are well tolerated.

You can enjoy bananas, apples and pears or even grapes. Citrus fruits, on the other hand, are taboo. The same goes for strawberries and tomatoes. You should also be careful with legumes.

In any case, you should avoid raw sausages such as salami. It's better if you rely on delicious meat alternatives from Greenforce . This is not only better for you, but also for nature.

When producing meat, not only the animals themselves suffer, but also the environment. For example, did you know that factory farming contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions?

The animals also need a lot of feed, which is grown in the fields. However, the same amount of grain would feed many more people.

For various reasons, it is worth rethinking your meat consumption and integrating a vegan diet into your everyday life. However, you should note that if you have histamine intolerance, you should avoid wheat .

Products made from spelled, millet and oats are usually well tolerated. Many delicious dishes can be conjured up from this. Rice is also one of the low-histamine foods .

You can combine the foods with low-histamine vegetables , for example. There are quite a few of them, for example cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, potatoes, parsnips, zucchini and onions.

If you find that you don't like any of these foods, you should consult your doctor again. He can tell you whether there may be a cross allergy.

Tips for caring for your skin

If you change your diet, your skin should improve over time. In acute cases, however, it is good to know a few tips and tricks that will quickly calm the skin again.

In addition, it often happens that people with histamine intolerance also suffer from neurodermatitis or another skin disease. To relieve skin problems like redness, itching, and rashes, the following things can help :

  • Skin-friendly care products : Use skin-friendly care products that do not contain any irritating ingredients and therefore put additional strain on the skin. PH-neutral shampoos and soaps are recommended. Also pay attention to animal welfare here and only use products that are labeled “vegan ”.

  • Avoiding fragrances : Sometimes fragrances are responsible for skin irritation. Most cosmetic products are also available without fragrances and are better tolerated by sensitive skin.

  • No hot water : A warm shower or a pleasant bath is good for the soul. However, they can harm your skin because hot water also irritates it. It is therefore better to use lukewarm water.

  • Care after washing : After showering or bathing, gently pat your skin dry instead of rubbing. Replenish your moisture by applying lotion. It's best to use a product that is tailored to the needs of your skin. The local pharmacy will be happy to advise you on this.

  • Natural clothing : What many people don't know is that clothing can also irritate your skin. It's best to wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural materials such as cotton. Synthetic materials can irritate the skin and should be avoided. When washing, you can use detergent for sensitive skin. Allergenic detergent also available.

If you follow these tips and pay attention to an adapted diet, your skin will soon look better again despite your histamine intolerance , so that you can get rid of annoying symptoms such as itching or redness.