Fruit allergy: what should you pay attention to?

A tingling sensation in the mouth and/or sneezing after eating an apple is a telltale sign: it could be an allergic reaction to the pome fruit. Allergies to apples and the like are usually associated with an existing pollen allergy.

People are allergic not only to apples, but also to other fruits. Eating fruit is not always about allergies. Food and fructose intolerance can also cause symptoms .

This often makes it difficult to differentiate . We have put together the essential information on the topic for you here in this article.

In particular, we would like to show you that, as an allergy sufferer, you do not have to avoid eating sweet fruits and plant-based foods .

What is a fruit allergy?

In the case of an allergy, the human immune system reacts to substances that are harmless in themselves with a massive defensive reaction. Maybe you are familiar with hay fever and the symptoms associated with it.

Anyone affected by this primarily shows symptoms of a cold with a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and a sometimes intense feeling of illness. Typical allergy triggers are pollen . But people can also react allergically to house dust mites or animals.

The human organism can also identify substances in an apple as an allergen and trigger allergy symptoms.

Since this reaction to food takes place in the digestive tract , the body may already react in the mouth with tingling, swelling, and perhaps later with further digestive problems.

Allergy symptoms after eating fruit are not a rare phenomenon. In Germany alone, for example, 2-4 million people suffer from an apple allergy.
That's 8% of the population across Europe .

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The cross allergy

Anyone who reacts with allergy symptoms to the pollen from certain glasses, trees or other plants often also shows this reaction to the ingredients of various fruits .

The background to this so-called cross reaction is that the pollen allergens have a similar biochemical structure to substances in certain types of fruit. Cross-reactions are also possible with spices or nuts.

If you show hay fever symptoms to classic early bloomers such as birch, cross-allergies to apples, hazelnuts, cherries, kiwis, plums and other fruits may be possible. Discomfort may also occur after eating celery, potatoes and carrots.

A cross allergy does not necessarily occur , but there is a certain probability that people with pollen allergies will react to certain plant foods. It therefore makes sense to be informed about the possibility of cross-allergies in order to be able to classify possible reactions.

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How does a fruit allergy manifest itself?

Complaints like these are particularly common:

  • Tingling on the tongue and throughout the throat
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat area
  • Itching in the throat

Itchy eyes and inflammatory processes in the mouth area are also possible.

Since allergy symptoms appear relatively quickly , complaints that occur in the lower digestive areas are usually not due to a fruit allergy.

However, allergic reactions in particular have a very individual character. Therefore, in individual cases it may not be easy to distinguish an allergy from other symptoms if the symptoms only appear a few hours after eating berries, apples and other fruits.

Do the symptoms differ depending on the type of fruit?

This question cannot be answered in general terms. A citrus fruit allergy often presents with more intense symptoms than with other fruits. This is due, among other things, to the essential oils contained in citrus fruits such as lime, which have a separate allergy potential.

Digestive problems can occur more often, as can a rash in addition to the tingling sensation in the mouth. An apple allergy is largely manifested by a short-term reaction , often with sneezing and a furry feeling in the mouth.

After 20 minutes everything is often over again. Basically, the point again that allergy reactions are slightly different for every person .

How dangerous can it be?

A particularly intense allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock . In response to an allergen, cardiac arrest, organ failure and shortness of breath can occur. If left untreated, a fatal outcome cannot be ruled out, especially due to the acute breathing difficulties.

Such violent reactions are rare with fruit. Perhaps with a view to the citrus fruits and essential oils mentioned, caution is advised if you are known to be prone to allergies.

Allergies to nuts, celery, seafood and insect venom are dangerous due to the strong immune reactions . Nevertheless, care is required with any known allergy exposure. The allergens should be avoided if possible.

Determine food intolerance reactions

Food intolerances, such as those caused by fructose consumption, do not occur until at least 30 minutes after consumption. This is more about classic digestive problems such as gastrointestinal symptoms with cramps, flatulence and diarrhea.

However, in individual cases it can be difficult to distinguish it from an allergy reaction. If you already suffer from a pollen allergy such as hay fever, a possible cross allergy is not far off.

One aspect also helps to differentiate between intolerance reactions: Many people ask themselves whether one can be allergic to all types of fruit . This is normally not possible.

However, almost all fruits contain a certain amount of fructose. Anyone who generally reacts with symptoms to eating any kind of fruit is more likely to suffer from an intolerance to fructose.

If you have suspicions in this direction, have a possible carbohydrate intolerance clarified.

Do you have to avoid fruit if you have a fruit allergy?

If you have a known fruit allergy, most people will not initially choose the fruit that triggers it. That makes sense at first glance.

However, there is hope, especially for apple allergy sufferers : most of those affected do not react to all varieties with symptoms. In many cases it is the common apple varieties in the supermarket that lead to complaints. According to various scientists, this phenomenon also has a background.

The supermarket fruits are varieties that are considered very modern because acids and various healthy ingredients are largely avoided.

The apples should look perfect and taste as sweet as possible. Breeders avoid ingredients that do not promote these properties. However, it is ingredients such as polyphenols that ensure that apples are compatible with apple allergy sufferers .

These are historical apple varieties with the best tolerance that we cannot buy in every supermarket.

If you are allergic to fruit, you are on the safe side with Greenforce

Plant-based foods are trendy. More and more people want to eat a primarily plant-based diet. They rely on vegan protein sources and vegan products . Vegan alternatives are very popular.

As a fruit allergy sufferer, you must ensure that these products accurately describe the types of fruit they contain or their ingredients. When selecting these products, you should therefore pay attention to quality and clear labeling of all ingredients.

At Greenforce, we ensure that all products are clearly labeled so that you can better deal with fruit allergies or intolerances such as carbohydrate intolerance.

Even if you have reactions to apples and the like, you don't have to do without plant-based foods, vegan substitute products , vegan protein sources and vegan alternatives overall. Thanks to the full transparency of our value and supply chain, we know exactly what is processed in our products. This reduces the chance of a hidden allergen.

We will also pass on all information to you.