Vegan lunch box recipes

10 mins

2 - 4 lunch boxes

  • Verschiedene gefüllte Lunchboxes mit GREENFORCE Produkten nebeneinander auf einem Tisch
  • Tomatenstrauch
  • GREENFORCE Pancakes und Streichwurst in Lunchboxes mit Händen, die zugreifen
  • Sweet lunch box for those with a sweet tooth

    Cute lunch box

    150g Easy to Mix vegan pancakes

    Any berries

    Nuts of your choice

    Vegan pasta salad as a practical lunch box

    Viennese noodle box

    1 pack of vegan mini wieners

    100g pasta

    1 spring onion

    75g cherry tomatoes

    ½ cucumber

    2 tbsp olive oil

    2 tbsp vegetable broth

    1 tbsp vinegar

    Salt, pepper, fresh herbs (basil or parsley)

    Goes well with: lettuce seeds, dates, snack pretzels

    Frika snack box for kids

    Frika snack box

    25g curry mango spread

    1 pack of mini frika





    Bavarian lunch box

    Bavarian lunch box

    25g vegan spreadable sausage, tea sausage style

    25g vegan liverwurst-style spreadable sausage



    Cherry tomatoes


    Sold out
    19,99 €
    Easy to mix vegan Sausage Spread
    Easy to mix vegan Sausage Spread
    Easy to mix vegan Sausage Spread
    4,99 €
    (11,09 € / kg of prepared product)
    Easy to mix vegan Sausage Spead - raw style
    Easy to mix vegan Sausage Spead - raw style
    Sold out
    Easy to mix vegan Sausage Spead - raw style
    4,99 €
    (11,34 € / kg of prepared product)
    Vegan Pancakes - baking mix
    Vegan Pancakes - baking mix
    Vegan Pancakes - baking mix
    4,99 €
    (8,31 € / kg of prepared product)
    Discover everyone