Burgers are always possible and here comes our BIG GREENFORCE burger, which will make you 100% full and happy and is 100% vegan. Burgers Make Life Better🍔
This recipe was provided to us by @lars_likes_food. Thank you very much 🥰
- Easy to mix burgers
- Burger bun
- Slices of white bread
- Vegan ketchup
- Vegan mayo
- Romaine lettuce
- Tomato slices
- Pickles
- Salt pepper
- Mix Easy To Mix burgers according to instructions, season with salt and pepper, cool, prepare and fry.
- Warm the burger buns slightly in the oven.
- This is how you layer your BIG Burger: burger bun, mayo, lettuce, first patty, slice of white bread, mayo, tomato slices, second patty, cucumber, ketchup, burger lid.
- Crispy fries go well with this. Bon appetit.