Die festliche Zeit steht vor der Tür, also gönn Dir und Deinen Liebsten das Beste aus unserer Produkt-Vielfalt! 🎁🥰
Egal ob herzhafte Gerichte oder süße Schmankerl - wir haben für jeden Geschmack das Richtige.

Sichere Dir nur für kurze Zeit einen Rabatt Deiner Wahl:
15% ab 25€ | Code: WINTER15
20% ab 35€ | Code: WINTER20
25% ab 45€ | Code: WINTER25

Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
5,99 €
(7,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Happy without Meat Box (pack of 10)
Happy without Meat Box (pack of 10)
Happy without Meat Box (pack of 10)
44,56 €
44,56 € 46,90 € You save 5%
(9,14 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs
4,99 €
(13,31 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan Gravy
Easy to mix vegan Gravy
Easy to mix vegan Gravy
3,99 €
(3,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Vegan Cheeze Sauce
Vegan Cheeze Sauce
Vegan Cheeze Sauce
2,09 €
2,09 € 2,99 € You save 30%
(3,48 € / kg of prepared product)
Vegan Cinnamon Rolls - baking mix
Vegan Cinnamon Rolls - baking mix
Vegan Cinnamon Rolls - baking mix
4,99 €
(7,67 € / kg of prepared product)
Sold out
19,99 €
Alle Produkte


Veganer Leberkäse: Ein echter Klassiker

Vegan Leberkäse - Festive Edition

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
5,99 €
(7,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Greenforce gift voucher
Greenforce gift voucher
25,00 €

Veganes Weihnachtsfestessen mit gefüllten Knödeln, Bratensoße und Speck Bohnen

Gefüllte Kartoffelknödel mit Bratensoße und veganen Speck-Bohnen

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Vegan Bacon Bits
Vegan Bacon Bits
Vegan Bacon Bits
2,99 €
(19,93 € / kg of prepared product)
BBQ allrounder - spice mix
BBQ allrounder - spice mix
🔥 Up to 40% off
BBQ allrounder - spice mix
5,99 €
(49,91 € / kg of prepared product)

Burger für Weihnachten

Christmas burger with red cabbage & cranberries

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
3,99 €
(1,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan Burgers
Easy to mix vegan Burgers
Easy to mix vegan Burgers
4,99 €
(13,31 € / kg of prepared product)

Maronen Apfel Füllung Hackbraten

Stuffed meatloaf with spiced potatoes

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Happy without Meat Box (pack of 10)
Happy without Meat Box (pack of 10)
Happy without Meat Box (pack of 10)
44,56 €
44,56 € 46,90 € You save 5%
(9,14 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan Mince
Easy to mix vegan Mince
Easy to mix vegan Mince
4,99 €
(13,31 € / kg of prepared product)

Weihnachtstisch mit Gerichten

Your vegan 3-course Christmas menu

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Easy to mix vegan Gravy
Easy to mix vegan Gravy
Easy to mix vegan Gravy
3,99 €
(3,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs
4,99 €
(13,31 € / kg of prepared product)

Raclette Abend

Vegan Raclette - 4 ideas for your pans

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs 'Swedish Style'
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs 'Swedish Style'
Easy to mix vegan Meatballs 'Swedish Style'
4,99 €
(13,31 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan Cevapcici
Easy to mix vegan Cevapcici
Easy to mix vegan Cevapcici
4,99 €
(13,31 € / kg of prepared product)

Darf's was süßes sein?

Rezept für veganen Christstollen

Recipe for vegan Christmas stollen

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
3,99 €
(1,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Easy to mix vegan Egg
Easy to mix vegan Egg
Easy to mix vegan Egg
3,99 €
(6,65 € / kg of prepared product)

Weihnachtliche Cupcakes

Christmas cupcakes

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Vegan Chocolate Cake baking mix
Vegan Chocolate Cake baking mix
Vegan Chocolate Cake baking mix
4,99 €
(8,45 € / kg of prepared product)

Fertige Baumstriezeln auf dem Weihnachtstisch

Vegan Baumstriezl recipe

Vegan recipes - simple & delicious
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
Organic Oat Drink (2L)
3,99 €
(1,99 € / kg of prepared product)
Vegan Pancakes - baking mix
Vegan Pancakes - baking mix
Vegan Pancakes - baking mix
4,99 €
(8,31 € / kg of prepared product)