Vegan Leberkäse - Festive Edition

Are you looking for unusual, yet simple and delicious recipes for the holidays? We have put together our latest 'Leberkäse' creations for you. Of course, 100% vegan and 100% delicious.

  • The Fastest Cookies in the World

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    ETM or fresh vegan 'Leberkäse' from Greenforce

    Decoration as needed:

    Sweet mustard

    Hot mustard


    Roast with a twist with gingerbread sauce

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    ETM or Fresh Leberkäse

    ETM Gravy

    Small potatoes

    Gingerbread spice

    Some cooking oil

    For decoration: Rosemary or other herbs

    Toast Hawaii with Leberkäse

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    ETM or Fresh Leberkäse

    GF Cooked Ham

    Vegan cheese slices (suitable for gratinating)

    Pineapple rings from a can or fresh

    Vegan toast bread

    Optional: Mustard

    Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
    Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
    Easy to mix vegan 'Leberkäse'
    5,99 €
    (7,99 € / kg of prepared product)
    Easy to mix vegan Gravy
    Easy to mix vegan Gravy
    Easy to mix vegan Gravy
    3,99 €
    (3,99 € / kg of prepared product)